Who is Unified Therapies and how did we come to be?
Who is Unified Therapies? Unified Therapies is a brand-new outpatient facility that uses an interdisciplinary approach. We combine Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Speech Therapy and Mental Health Services to treat the whole client. Each client can receive one discipline or a combination of disciplines depending on their need. We strive to create a physical and mental balance in each client as well as in our team.
How did the idea occur for physical and mental balance? A friend, who was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease, started to become depressed about losing her abilities and then she became anxious in her environment. Along with her physical impairments of shuffling gait and increased fall risk, her mental health challenges began to affect her socialization and she began isolating herself. We began to treat the mental health concerns to allow her to make greater gains with her Physical Therapy, allowing her to improve her functional mobility. As we spoke to others in the community, we noticed that people suffering from chronic pain such as fibromyalgia or low back pain are also limited in their active lifestyle of hiking, biking, running and kayaking. Oftentimes, this played a role in accelerating depression and weight management. We wanted to help these individuals by offering pain management through behavioral health interventions in the form of an 8-week curriculum facilitated by our mental health therapist alongside the Wellness Program with our Physical Therapist to help get the client back to they activities they enjoy.